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3rd Annual GymACT backflip challenge: how many back flips can YOU do in 30 seconds?!?

Updated: Sep 24, 2022

Congratulations AMG for winning the 2022 back flip challenge. Andrew Fincher with 27 backflips in 30 seconds.

A HUGE “thank you” to all the participants AND winning the community prize: Christian from Rising Star Gymnastics. He supports the Washington Mens Gymnastics team. So congratulations, dawgs! $50 bucks going to your piggy bank in Christian’s name AND some team swag will be sent out to him.

Bellow is the original post with the 'official rules' (as best written by a dyslexic ADD Brazilian gymrat).

Aloha, coach Breeze here. It’s almost my birthday and in my official capacity as GymACT shenanigator, I am once again invited the gymnastics community to participate (read “reluctantly endure”) a new set of AWESOME challenges.


Heads up: New format this year. All virtual and by submission on instagram and Facebook. I’m opening up the challenge to ALL members of the community to participate.

GymACT teams will submit ONE entry for the most flips in 30 seconds — for the bragging rights!

ALL entries go into a drawing: I’ll choose randomly one winner and will donate $50 in their name to the program of their choice AND have said program send some swag to the winner (I’ll pay for goods and shipping).

Good luck and have fun. #goGymACT

Here are the “official rules”:

SAFETY FIRST: Please be sensible and smart with your own safety. Only participate if you are adequately prepared and in a safe environment to perform acrobatic nonevent.

1.. record a video of yourself. State your name, location, and the gymact team you are supporting

2.. Clearly mark a 30-second period (maybe a friend calls it out) and do as many back flips as you can.

2.5.. "the buzzer rule": as long as you are already in the air when the 30" time gets called, you may count that last flip (as long as IT counts as described in the 'criteria').

3.. upload your video to social media and tag GymACT in your description.

Instagram: @gymact

Facebook: @gymacteams

4.. add some fun hash tags


Deadline: My birthday, Monday, September 19th, 2022. I’ll be doing the tally of the gymact team entries and drawing of the contestant-winner on the morning of the 20th.

Judging Criteria:

1.. the video must show you doing at least one flip… yup, you MUST do one to enter a “BACK FLIP CONTEST”. ;)

2.. Official gymact team submissions must be performed on a floor exercise surface.

2.5.. here is NO equipment requirement nor limitations for the community entries (please be safe). Spotted flips are allowed IF it’s not too sketchy looking. Yup! It’s MY completely-subjective call on this one!

3.. I’m looking for a recognizable “gymnastics credit” flip and “feet first” landing.

Ok, now get out there and have fun, be safe and support mens college gymnastics.

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